Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hot Sunday

Today the temp soared to a high of 81 and it really felt like summer and yet you can see snow on the surrounding mountains. We watched a lot of football the last two days, along with drinking margaritas on the rocks and eating chips and Costco hot dogs we cooked for the games. We will probably kick back again tonight and watch the "Golden Globes" awards show since it has become the best of the awards shows as far as celebrities who attend. Most of the award shows, including the Oscars, have no one there except the nominees and the presenters....not like it used to be when it seemed like every major star in Hollywood would attend. Since the Golden Globes honor both TV and Movies the seats are full of stars. Fun to watch.
I think Larry and Rose are coming over to Palm Springs this weekend and Mark and Carol will probably stay with us a day or two next week. Hope to laze around the pool the next couple of days get some reading done. We have been living in shorts and t-shirts here in Palm Springs and have hung around the park quite a bit. We do have a list of things we want to do here but were waiting for the temperature to climb before spending time running around in the Jeep.
Susan wants to get to Valley of the Palms and I want to drop by the shopping in Palm Desert.
I'm sure we'll get around to it this next week sometime.
It's hard to believe we've been gone about a month and a half already, but the time seems to just be flying by. Only eight weeks until Daylight Saving Day. When we spend the winter up north it seemed like it took forever for the winter to pass even when we were busy working. Still giving some thought to getting into golf while I am down here. Outdoor RV Resort, where we stay next month has 27 holes to play, and they have a lot of golf instructors/lessons down here. Probably could get a pretty good deal on clubs too if I knew what I needed. That would have me coming home in May just when the weather is changing and I could get a lot of practice in. Think I will look into it a bit and see what opportunities actually exist.

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