Sunday, December 21, 2008

Snowing in Seattle

We are watching the Seahawks-Jets game in Seattle this afternoon and see that it is really snowing hard and there was a big snowfall overnight according to the announcers. A far cry from the beach down here where we are wearing shorts, t-shirts, and barefeet.
We have just been kicking back and enjoying the weather. This afternoon we will put some of the outside things away as we are leaving for Thornehill Broome beach tomorrow. We are supposed to get some rain then but down here the rain on Monday may be for about ten minutes followed by sunshine. Some rain is also forecast for Xmas and Xmas Eve but only 30% chance and that does not mean all day. We have plenty of DVD's to watch, including half a dozen Xmas movies we will enjoy and use to get into a Xmas mood. During the evening this last week, I have been "ripping" CD's of Xmas music and then building "playlists" for my computer and iphone. This will allow me to select just Xmas music on my ipod and have it shuffle through the songs anonymously. Basically, it allows you to listen to different people singing Xmas music rather than listen to one persons whole collection before hearing someone else. Last year the music really helped us feel like it was Christmas day despite the sunshine.
Mark and Carol will join us at Thornehill Broom tomorrow or the next day. They have some problems with their pharmacy insurance coverage that they need to clear up before leaving for ten days. I don't know why that kind of problem is so prevalent but we have had problems getting enough pills to last us six months before leaving town both this year and last. It takes dozens of phone calls to get this taken care of so we can sympathize with others who have medical insurance problems.
The park down here is filling up a little this week but will close down for maintenance for the month of January as usual. We now have rigs on both sides of us. I am looking forward to Thornehill Broom and its location and privacy but will miss the full hookups of Dockweiler's.
We do plan on coming back for another three weeks in March as we have other things we want to do down here. We want to get back up to Mailibu, drive the Stone Canyon, walk around downtown Santa Monica and Main Street, and walk out the Santa Monica pier.
I will enclose some pix from our walks north up the beach toward Marine Del Rey.

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